I've touched briefly before on my to-do list for this year and how I wasn't going to start anything new, but rather focus on finishing my existing projects. So I have a choice of working on Last Hope, Alaska, my shifter romance, or Blood of Angels, my kind of Southern-Gothic-fallen-angel thingy romance. I'd rated them as pretty low priority on the list, because I thought I'd want to work on The Last Sin after finishing Lich Queen, but The Last Sin is threatening to become longer and more complex than I thought, and I want to give it the attention it deserves. Last Hope, Alaska and Blood of Angels can be fun, fast stories that will fit nicely in between more complicated projects, so they're jumping up the list for a bit!
And I also completely broke my "no new projects" resolution last week when I found myself writing 1k of a vampire romance. Bad author. But it's another piece that fits the "fun, fast short story" category, so I'm not going to beat myself up over it. It's also a story I've had at the back of my head for...maybe close to a decade now? It would be nice to finally actually write it.
Now I just need to decide which one to actually finish! When I asked for opinions online, angels seemed to beat out vampires and shapeshifters, so I'm going to crack open Blood of Angels and see if I can fire up the old muse. Wish me luck!