I resolve not to start any new projects.
That...that might sound kinda weird, but as of right now, I have twelve open projects across both pen names. And dammit, I want to finish ALL OF THEM in 2017. I'm really prone to getting excited about crazy new ideas and dropping everything to start work on them IMMEDIATELY, whilst neglecting those other projects. Sometimes that's good! It's how I wrote MR. RED. Sometimes it's bad, however, because I end up not getting anything finished. So year. Twelve open projects is easily a year's worth of work, and so I resolve not to start anything new and just focus on finishing these damned works-in-progess.
Under Amber Morgan, I have the following projects to work on:
Wild Blood MC #3 - technically I haven't actually started writing this yet, but I have enough of it planned that it counts.
The Last Sin - Russian mob romance
Keys to the Kingdom - London crime family romance/thriller
Impact - MMA/new adult romance
Blood of Angels - paranormal romance
Last Hope, Alaska - shapeshifter romance
Of these six, Blood and Angels and Last Hope, Alaska, are at the bottom of the to-do list, so if I don't get round to finishing them in the next twelve months, I won't feel too bad about it. But I'm really in love with all the others, and desperate to make as much progress as possible. No distractions! No shiny new ideas! No more messing around! And this time, I mean it! This is going to require a lot of tea.