1. I collect and read tarot cards. Admittedly, I don't buy the decks very often these days, but I can still give a pretty decent reading with them. In my early 20s, I quite often took a deck along to the pub with me to do readings for friends on a Friday night, and inadvertently ended up becoming the unofficial tarot reader for our local. I got paid in drinks, more often than not!
2. I own two snakes. This definitely interests people, to the point where my manager introduces me to new team members as "...the girl with the snakes." We have a creamsicle corn snake called Ket, and a brown and yellow California King snake called Remic.
3. I'm fascinated by Russian history - Catherine the Great's era and the fall of the Romanovs, particularly.
4. I love true crime - especially if there's an unsolved/mystery element to the case (think Jack the Ripper and the Taman Shud case.
5. I love the smell of coffee, but I hate the taste. Luckily for me I can enjoy it through coffee perfumes.
6. I used to exclusively write poetry. Through my early teens, I filled approximately a billion notebooks with poetry. One of my poems actually won a prize somewhere, although I can't remember where or when or why or anything relevant. I turned to writing novels after falling in love with Tamora Pierce's Immortals Quartet.
7. My first novels were all epic fantasy - I wrote two trilogies (very derivative, but hey, I was fifteen, okay) packed full of dragons, witches, magic, curses, magical swords...you name it. They will never see the light of day, but I would like to return to the genre in the future. I have a plot bunny that's been getting more and more insistent recently...I just don't have time to really do it justice right now!
8. I used to keep tropical fish. I will never do it again. Not just because I became uncomfortable with the practice itself, but because they were a bloody nightmare. Violence and inbreeding, everywhere. Everywhere!
9. I am the worst at maths and science...But I've worked almost exclusively with mathematicians and scientists since graduating from university (with an English lit degree!) in 2005. I have no idea what anyone around me is doing, ever.
10. I used to write horoscopes for a local magazine. I don't want to give away any trade secrets, but...yeah, they were pretty made-up. I got paid in wine. Wait...there's a pattern here somewhere...