Hmm, first kiss. Well, I don't remember exactly how old I was, which means I was probably a bit younger than I should have been...I do remember the boy's name was Wayne and it happened on a school playground. Not exactly a grand romantic moment, but there we are.
First love. Oh. Him. I was in my early twenties, on the summer break between my second and third year of university, and I met a boy in a nightclub. We bonded over tastes in music and we were inseparable until we both went back to university. Then he dumped me by text in the middle of the night. Thanks, guy.
In retrospect, this was a messy, immature relationship, but it felt so real at the time. We fell out a lot, which you can easily mistake for being passionate when you're young and stupid. We made a lot of silly promises to each other, which you can easily believe are totes for real in the early heat of a relationship. And we were suffocatingly close, which honestly is not healthy for me in any way, being the introvert that I am. We were on-and-off for a while, and I put up with some silly shit that I should have known better than to put up with. And then it all just kinda...faded away, thankfully.
I don't harbour any grudges about it. He's now happily married, I found my actual One True Love (date a man who buys you Lovecraft-themed hoodies, ladies), and although we are now Facebook Friends, me and that first love have gone our separate ways, and are easily happier people for it.