And yet, here we are, over 20k later, and apparently I am definitely writing an MC romance and having a really fucking good time doing it. I discovered the genre this year and am eating it up as a reader, but as a writer, I had no idea if this was something I could do. So I figured I'd start small, aim for something under the 20k mark, and see what happened. Well, now it's looking like Tanner's War will be closer to 30k and because this is me, somehow there's now a snake-handling cult involved.
And the finish line is in sight! I'm really confident that if I push hard, I can have the first draft finished this week. EEEEE!!! I love finishing a project. I especially love finishing a project that's been a challenge, and I think writing in a brand new-to-me genre counts as a challenge. I'm really hopefully that I can find a home for Tanner's War and write the rest of the stories this MC gang have to tell. I just need to resist sneaking in a werewolf...