Wild Blood MC #3 - technically I haven't actually started writing this yet, but I have enough of it planned that it counts.
The Last Sin - Russian mob romance
Keys to the Kingdom - London crime family romance/thriller
Impact - MMA/new adult romance
Last Hope, Alaska - shapeshifter romance
I'm not sure what I'll get to work on next. The temptation now is to try to finish off the shorter projects (Last Hope, Alaska being likely the shortest as I planned it for around 14-15k) and save the longer, more complex projects for later. But then, a couple of weeks ago, I thought I'd probably drop Blood of Angels and Last Hope, Alaska off the To-Do list altogether and just work on the longer stuff, so who knows? I guess the moral is that I shouldn't plan too far ahead.
Anyway! I don't need to decide just yet, because my first job is to submit the Naomi Clark project I finished earlier this month. I had a friend offer to read through it for me before I do (he's read the other two books in the series, so he's a good second pair of eyes), but my hope is he'll be done by the weekend and I can work on it then. After that's also off to my publisher, I can figure out what to work on next.
Whatever I decide, I am probably going to be slowed down by the fact that my persist muscular-skeletal problems in my right arm have really flared up this week, so doing much of anything is painful, but typing is especially so. I'm hoping it'll die down again pretty quickly, but you just never know with this stupid thing. Anyway! In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy having crossed Blood of Angels off the list and plan my next move...