I'm now trying to decide what to work on next. I have two big projects in mind, one being Wild Blood MC #3, but I also have two short stories that I started earlier in the year and would love to finish. I'm in need of a palate cleanser after finishing my last big project, and a short story seems the way to go before launching into another novel. I love writing short stories, and both these have hooked my imagination in very different ways...So it's just a case of deciding which one to go with. One is a werewolfy romance, the other is a mafia/dark romance (though very different from MR.RED).
I thought the mafia romance would be the one, but when I read what I have of it so far, I realised this could easily spiral into a novella or even a novel, and I'm determined not to start anything huge unless Wild Blood #3 or Blood Canticles #3 (my next Naomi Clark project). So I think we're going with werewolves for now, which are generally my favourite thing to write anyway, so yay!
In the meantime, I've got Helen Rappaport's new book to read - Caught In The Revolution, and a bunch of autumnal/winter perfumes to make (and the free time to make them in), which all in all means I'm a pretty happy bunny right now. Can't ask for more than that!