In the mean time, I'm doing my best to get organised, both personally and in my day job, before I go. As you may know, every October I offer some Halloween limited edition perfumes over at Common Brimstone, with the profits going to the British Heart Foundation. This year's set is inspired by legendary serpents, in honour of our dear departed Remic. I want to leave the shop open while I'm away, so that means stocking up now on sample bottles, essential oils, and labels so I don't come home to find myself without any vital supplies. I'm also trying to keep my order queue under control (always verging on an impossible task) so that I can relax and not think about shipping deadlines while I'm in the Blue Lagoon.
This week it will be Evernight Publishing's birthday! I'll be hosting a guest slot over at their Facebook party on Sunday (assuming I've got my UK-US time conversion right), where I'll be chatting about my works both as Amber and Naomi Clark, and giving away a few ebooks. I'll also be taking part in a writing marathon over the weekend, with the aim of getting 10k written on my current WIP. ambitious. It's that time of year when my hands and arms really start to suffer, and the last thing I want to do before I set off to a cold climate is aggravate my problems. That said, 5k a day is not unreasonable and since I won't get any writing done while I'm away, I want to make as much progress as possible. So we'll see how that goes...
So the next couple of weeks are looking to be pretty busy in the best kind of way! If you follow me on Twitter of Facebook, look out for a slew of photos from Iceland!